Thursday, April 02, 2009

Family Workshop Well-Attended and Received!

On March 24, more than fifty students, parents, family members, and faculty gathered above former Applebee's for an AVID Family Workshop that was both entertaining and informational.

AVID Junior Niko R. was the emcee for the evening. He welcomed everyone and then introduced Assistant Principal Dorothy King, who gave a short address and welcome. Ms. Novak then spoke to the audience about upcoming college entrance tests and the inserts for the college binder. Next, we were all entertained by a reader's theater from Phantom of the Opera, performed by Ms. Sibayan's middle school AVID class.

Ms. Pienta gave a presentation about paying for college based on Suze Orman's 2009 Action Plan..Parents were given a copy of the presentation for their reference.

Ms. Sibayan then introduced Brittany Z., who gave her farewell address to the crowd. She touched on the rewards she had reaped from AVID and told how certain she was that she was going to college. The evening ended with Ms. Lara awarding the door prize, a college guide, to Mrs. Gardner. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed cookies made by Ms. Sibayan's students and an AVID cake donated by Ms. Lisa Balboni.

The next and last AVID Family Workshop of the year will be held in May. The exact date will be announced soon.

Thanks to everyone for their support and participation in this awesome event!

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