Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Summer Opportunity in Washington D.C.

Sophomores or Juniors interested in working in Washington D.C. in the House of Representatives as a summer Page, see Ms. Ascierto for more details.

PAGE PROGRAM FACT SHEET · 2009 School Year ·
Pages are young people who are hired to serve as support staff for the U.S.House of Representatives. They are students in their junior year of high school, who come to Washington D.C. to live, work, and study as Pages. The program includes the House Page Residence Hall, the House Page School, and work responsibilities within the House.Students applying for the academic program should meet the following requirements:

  • 3.0 GPA based on core academic courses (math, English, science, social studies, foreign language)
  • High school junior/sophomore
  • Must be 16 years old by the beginning of the Page term
Eligibility for participation in the summer program includes students who have just completed their high school
sophomore or junior year.

Margie Ascierto
High School Counselor, Sigonella M/HS
Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily, ITALY
DSN: 624-3249
CIV: 011-39-095-56-3249
Fax: 624-3899 / 011-39-095-56-3899

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